It's the story stupid

So after going back and looking what I've written I can see where confusion can set in. Is he a traditionalists or is he another DV filmmaker, and all I can say is that what ever works. I have shot a lot of film through the years, and I do love the quality, and the texture film has, but with that said I have to say that if you can only get your hands on DV equipment then you might as well use it.

I've come across people that cannot overcome the technology. Should I shoot with this camera, or should I shoot with that camera. The excuses are numerous, and the time you consume is your own. If you can't go one way, go the other way. I'm not a fan of DV because of it's small size, and it abysmal compression problem. But with anything this will be overcome someday and then they'll be another set of obstacles that you need to address. Remember it's the story that is important, and how you convey that story. A lot of problems I see in DV features are that they cast their friends in roles that should be inhabited by professionals. I read all the advertisements for films that say NO PAY, and I cringe. If you want a superior product you need to have extraordinary performances, and the only way to do that is to hire professionals. You would be surprised to see how much a professional will want in payment. After all work is work, and if you provide maybe a percentage of the films gross as an incentive you'll have a lot of good actors banging your door down to star in your feature.

So it isn't the equipment as much as the quality of the work. Don't sweat the technical. Sweat the important stuff like story, character and plot. They're a lot more important in the long run.

So I hope this clears up where I stand. I'll shoot film anytime I can because I've worked with it, and I'm familiar with it, and it projects great, but when I have to I'll go the DV route. Both have their challenges, but both offer me unlimited possibilities in telling the story.

So stop making excuses and get out there and make YOUR film. It's what filmmakers do ultimately.


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