2009 and onward!

I sometimes don't know what to write here. Another review, talk about an interesting article I came about on film making, or just try and toot my own horn. They say it's about subscribers, and I believe that, but I didn't start this blog to try and out do other film sites. I just wanted to be part of the discussion about film making, and more importantly indie film making.

A lot has changed over the years in film making and in distribution. The Internet is a big factor now, and it can make ordinary folk like myself get heard. So that's a cool thing to do.

So what have I been up to? We;; this time of year it's about the holidays for me. I try and re-connect with old friends, and try to share the spirit of the holiday. Of course my mind is never far from film making. I've been writing sometimes, but the projects get bigger, and then the frustration kicks in because for me it's hard to come up with money to finance the addiction. In these lean times money goes elsewhere, and when you have a family you want to do right by them. I'm not saying the dream is dead, but I need to be smarter, and sometimes a bit more ruthless. Ruthless you say. That doesn't sound good, but when I mean ruthless I mean ruthless in stretching a dollar.

I always hated people doing movies and not paying their crew or actors. I mean aren't peoples time worth something? it's gotten rougher out there and I'm all sure we can agree on that. Money is tight, and it's harder to fiance that film you want to do. I always thought a collective is a cool thing to do. Have a bunch of artist work together on each others films, but that isn't so realistic nowadays. People have to work and get some money to pay the bills that are coming due every month. After all the bill collector doesn't say forget this months payment. Nope you miss a payment and you got penalties.

So what's a filmmaker to do? I've been tempted to just dissolve my company, but there's something I need to do before that happens. One more film. This time a bit more personal, and made a bit smarter. Maybe it'll happen maybe it won't but I need to try. So I've given myself deadlines, and a goal.

A favorite filmmaker of mine is Roger Corman, and I love how he produced films. Quick and fast. Every dime went on the screen. I'm not saying that his films were groundbreaking, but he was himself a revolutionary in film making. Is it quantity or quality now. Corman amassed a few hundred films under his production company. In toady's market there is already quantity. Quality is what matters now in today's market place. Getting the film seen is the important thing. So I'm going to try and see what I can do. Something quick and something people would be interested in seeing. Maybe serialize a film, and release it that way, and the DVD would be an after thought.

There is a lot to think about and a lot to do in 2009. Let's make 2009 an interesting year.


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