In search of an idea

Sometimes what works for me is that I write my original material in notebooks hand written, and then type it out in Final draft. While I type it out I begin re-writing some scenes, and in effect I create an 2nd draft of the script. It's frustrating, and maybe a bit time consuming, but it's how I get to the meat of the story. I have a tendency to write on, and not concentrate on what I really need as opposed to what I think I need. In film you need to get to the story quick. William Goldman said the first ten minutes (ten pages) are what you need to draw your audience in. I'm not the greatest writer, and I've worked with others and always found it difficult accommodating others styles. I'm not against writing as a group, but only when there is an agreement with everyone involved on the story. Working on sections of stories is sometimes a good way to work. But all need to agree on where the story is going, and how the character(s) will get there. But mostly writing is a lonely act that you need to shut out the rest of the world, and concentrate on the story. Sometimes this is fun, and at other times it's hell.

I've been trying to get a story done that I can shoot for. No pie in the sky, and therefore I needed to obey certain low-budget film rules. I think I've listed some of them in a previous post so I won't go over it again.

I see all kinds of software for writing scripts or writing stories, but I don't buy into all of it. I type my script out on Final Draft, and it's not the latest version either. I'm comfortable with the version I have, and I can crank out a script quickly in it since I'm familiar with it's features. There are other software applications out there, but I know of people who use word, and are happy to use that. It's the idea. Not the software that makes you a good writer.

I don't know if this is a film I'll even do. I'm not sure how I'll be able to pull it off, and make it, but at least I'm trying. I need to continue this until something hits me so strong that I will be compelled to get it made. As my screenwriting teacher said "it's in you're head". SO the wheels spin, the smoke begins to rise, and here's hoping for some divine inspiration.


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