Shadow World year two

Shadow Word: year 2 - 02. He's the Bad One from David S Kessler on Vimeo.

I like to call attention to people I think are talented and doing great work. One of them is David Kessler. He's an artist here in Philly who is doing some great video work on the streets of Philly. Head on over to his sight. He's doing episodes now in HD, and their interesting. I like his stuff, and he has a very keen eye. If I had some extra money I'd throw some his way, so if you do have some extra cash he has a donation button on his site. It's called Shadow World 2, and he puts together great pieces of art and social commentary without hitting us over the head with commentary. Instead he lets his subjects do the talking. Above is one of his newest videos which I liked. Take a look you won't regret it.


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