Everybody's Lonely

I've been playing around with Premiere, and finally was able to post a short film I did while I was in school. My professor wanted us to do under and over exposed shots. I believe the exercises was called "daydreams". I shot this over two or three week-ends. We shot it with a Bolex, and the stock was plus-X reversal film. I learned that when you under-exposed reversal film it turned to mud. Over-exposing reversal was better, but still you couldn't over-expose too much. negative film has a much better latitude, and is very forgiving. I soon learned to love negative film, and my favorite at the time was Kodak's 7294. It was a color stock and it had a fast ISO, so you could shoot with few lights and get a really decent picture. I received my grade, and moved on. Later I transferred the film to videotape from the work print. I also put to video most of the footage from that shoot, so I could edit on video later. I added the still pictures when I worked at an advertising agency and used their equipment in the evening. The pictures are of my cousin, and her family. I thought I could establish her as the girl I shot while in school. I kind of liked it, and it stayed. I added Harry Chapin's song "Everybody's Lonely" at this point, and I soon had a new film I could show others. I've been a Chapin fan since I was a little, and so I made it a sort of tribute video to him. It wasn't my best, but it did have the feeling I wanted. I believe I over-exposed the reversal film by a stop and half, and also did the same for the under-exposing. I tried two and three stops, but over-exposing that much burned out the image, and under-exposing made the emulsion too thick, and the images looked like mud. I would have loved to see a print struck from the footage, but expense was a problem. When you're a film student all your money goes to text books, and then processing, and film stock. There's little else you can afford, so making a print was saved for you're final film.


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