Maxxxine (2024)


The trilogy that Ti West has achieved is a trilogy that is quite unique and rests on the lead actress Mia Goth.  In X she plays dual parts.  One as the main character and then the murderous old lady.  What she does in X alone is really extraordinary.  What Ms Goth does in the film "Pearl" the second of the films, which is really a prequel of X is also well done.  All three films have a different feel and feel that they are from a different era's.  That is because of Ti West's skill as a writer and director.  In the prequel "Pearl" both Mia Goth And Mr West share writing credit.  This example alone shows how intertwined both Ms Goth & Mr West are to the story of Maxine and Pearl.  Both separate characters but one's that share a theme about seeking fame and the tenaciousness one needs to be to acquire it.  Of course the films take it to the extreme & that's the fun of these films.  It seems that the critics and the public have labeled these films in the horror genre, but I believe they are more drama's with horror elements.  More like a neo-noir type film then a horror film.  X feels like a 70's film, and Pearl feels like a 50's technicolor spectacle, while "Maxxxine" is a 80's video bordering on porn & those 80's slasher films.  To label these films as horror would be doing them a disservice.  That's my opinion, and yes they all three have a gore factor which I believe sets them up as that of a horror film, but it is Maxxxine that really makes it feel like it's a neo-noir type film.

I have to say I enjoyed X and Maxxxine, and their common themes about Fame & tenacity. Maxine shows us the duality of Hollywood, and how the character of Maxine so fits in because of her ruthlessness.  The movie feels like a Jim Thompson novel gone awry, and maybe that's why I liked it.  Sure the horror elements. are there but it feels like a pulp novel from way back when.  Plus the pacing of the film is quick.  There are no wasted scenes in the film.  I thought the ending was a tag on and maybe the director wanted to see Maxine's ascendence to Hollywood and for us the audience to smile on how Maxine has now become a pop icon of the era.  The only thing is that such ascendence leads to a fall, which we won't see, but is inevitable to happen because time is the great equalizer after all, and all noir related films have to lead to a downfall of sorts, or a bitter ending of sorts.  You get that in the last scene where Maxine says she wants it meaning her fame to never end, but that's after she does a line of coke in her trailer.  We the audience have a feeling this will not end well for Maxine eventually & she will be infamous sooner then later.  The world is littered with tragic endings to adult film actresses.  Such names as Sophie Anderson, Angelina Please, Thaina Fields, Dakota Ske, Olivia Lua, Dahlia Sky, Marilyn Chambers, and Linda Lovelace all have met tragic endings & I think that's what both Ms Goth & Mr West are trying to say here.  Maybe I read too much into the film, but the ending felt that way to me, yet maybe the character Maxine is stronger and more ruthless then all around her, and after all she is a survivor who does what is needed to survive.  Take from the film what you may, but it's one example on why this film is on so many different levels more then a horror film, and calling it a horror film seems to be a disservice to it's creators.

It's these element which I liked.   There is more here then a simple horror movie.  Ti West does an admirable job in keeping us interested in all three films, and Mia Goth is extraordinary in the films.  In X we root for Mia Goth's character, and in "Maxxxine" you really want her to succeed, and how she out maneuvers the plot points is interesting.  Kevin Bacon as John LaBat the questionable PI puts in a A plus performance and one that is even a bit comedic.  The character oozes dubious qualities and is just so good that you enjoy each second he is on screen.  Another performance of note is Giancarlo Esposito as Maxine's agent.  He plays it straight and ruthless.  The whole film is populated with characters who are tough and whose reality is that of Hollywood is a cut throat business where they all excel at.

The movie runs 1 hour and 43 minutes.  Some say it goes by quick, and I think it's because of the pacing, which works for the film.  It is taking it's cues from those 80's slasher films that populated the movies back then.  I have to say I liked it, and liked what the Ti West had done and how he created a world where his character Maxine is just as ruthless as the other characters that populate the film, and in the end she wins by her ruthlessness. Do we pity her? or do we root for her to take on the other predators in her world.  After all she's swimming with the sharks and there is a satisfaction at seeing those sharks meeting their match.  The movie also takes it's cues from those exploitation films of the 80's such as "Vice Squad" "Angel", "Ms 45", & "Stripped to Kill".  It's all in here and it's Ti West's tribute to those films.  Maybe that's why I liked it, and who doesn't enjoy a good neo-noir with horror elements.   Enjoy the filth & seediness of the film.  The film "Maxxxine" is a walk on the wild side, that you'll enjoy.  Don't say I didn't warn you.   


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