The Meg 2

My son & I went to see The Meg 2 awhile back.  Try and find it in theaters now and you'll have a problem, but no matter soon you can catch it streaming soon.  We got free tickets to it, and so like anyone whose watching their wallets these days we went.  To say that we enjoyed ourselves is an understatement.  Was the film predictable?, was it formulaic?, and was it what you expected?  I have to say yes only instead of just one Meg there are now three, and oh let's not forget the big octopus.  Plus a whole lot of amphibious type creatures that pop up more then once & eat people.  The film is a Chinese/ American co-production, so the Chinese are the good guys and believe in saving the earth.  Jason Statham is sort of an eco-warrior of sorts, and in the beginning we see him bust some evil capitalistic polluters who are dumping radioactive waste into the sea illegally.  But hey that's just the beginning.  Eventually we're back at the Meg's home deep under the sea surrounded by a mist or something that prevents those deep monsters from penetrating our world.  Oh and before I go on this company has their own Meg.  It was a baby Meg that was wounded in the first Meg and they helped it back to health, and they seem to have trained it.  But you guessed it it escapes because you can't keep a good Meg down. and it heads to where the rest are/

Of course things go more wrong because some undisclosed capitalist company is mining down there unbeknownst to the world.  First thing you wonder is how the hell did someone build a whole big underwater complex without anyone noticing it?  We do find out who the baddie is and it's the women CEO who owns the eco friendly company.  Big shock here.  It seems that there are rare minerals down there that fetch billions of dollars on the open market.  Again greed its the enemy and the problem.  Are you seeing a theme here?  Well something goes bad and the barrier is breached and our Megs escape as well as the giant Octopus.   

Had enough or should I go on?  

Now you may think by my writing I hated this film.  Not true dear reader.  It was escapist fun, and there were a lot of nods to believe it or not the movie "Jaws".  It's kind of neat when you notice them, and it's a nice nod to the original O.G of the sea.  It's a big B-movie, and it has some interesting kills in it.  But if you're fearing this is a bloody mess don't.  The film is rated PG-13, so there is no gratuitous blood letting, so you have been informed, and I am sure that if you have kids who love monsters this is a movie for them as well.

The Meg 2 is a movie you flip off your brain and enjoy the action.  Jason Statham is wonderful, and I'm sure he there as eye candy for the ladies in the audience, and as for us guys we got have a hero, and he's it.  Yes it has a happy ending that is sort of open ended.  I mean the original Meg.  The baby that was raised by the Chinese billionaire eco-friendly company is left alive and escapes, and yet he's the good Meg because he knows human tricks and he doesn't eat the billionaire.  Can someone say Meg 3? 

Funny and adventurous is what I'd call the movie.  The effects are good, and the movie has a kind of light heartiness to it.  Sure it's about 3 Megs that chow does on mankind, but it's because of us evil greedy people that their loose and making such a ruckus.  Typical B-movie plot.

It's a nice night out with the family, or maybe a fun little rental that the family can all watch without giving the kids those nightmares later on.  Listen you could do a lot worse, and it's not awful, but please don't expect a lot out of this.  Just switch off your mind and glide for awhile.  


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