Avenger's EndGame (2019)

Okay you've heard by now this movie is doing fantastic business.  The studio has passed the two billion mark worldwide, and it's still growing.

I'm also sure you've heard all the spoilers now.  Amazing now that we have to contend with "spoiler" alerts now.  I mean what would Hitchcock of done with "Psycho"?  I remember the campaign back then had people NOT to tell the ending to the people coming out of the theater.  Now you're a tweet away from making that happen.

But I digress.  So how is the film?  One word "FUN!"

If you're a fan of Marvel, and you've seen most if not all the movies you'll love this film.  I can only imagine the box-set coming out for this.  It would be huge. 

Now if you're not a fan then this is not the movie for you.  Clocking in over a little over 3 hours long it certainly does not feel like 3 hours, and that's a good thing.  The filmmakers Anthony Russo, and Joe Russo do an extraordinary job at putting all the pieces together for this epic movie.  I mean epic in the sense that the film is not only a part 2 to "Avengers: Infinity War", but it a culmination of 12 films which all started with the movie "Ironman" way back in 2008.

So if you watch all the films since that time "Avengers: Endgame" is the sum of all these films.  In the other films we are introduced to the characters that eventually play a part in the film.  Each of the films had a post credit scene which clues in the audience to what was coming up.  It was sort of a coming attraction of things to come just like the old serials in the 40's and 50's.

It is that type of filmmaking that makes Endgame so fascinating and so unique.  Also the movie becomes an event.  It started selling out even before the movie was out through pre-sales.  Marvel Studios and now Disney did something unique, yet so very familiar and that was give us a throw-back to those days of serials. 

Back in the day those serials were made cheap and as long as they contained action and adventure it's audience never cared about continuity or even script plot holes, but nowadays  visuals need to astound us, hence the unbelievable images through special effects and CGI.

All in all it's a good film, and if you've seen the other films you'll be doubly pleased.  My son kept on leaning into me and telling me about the references to other films he and I have seen.

See it with the family.  If you have younger ones all the better.  It's great seeing their reaction to what's happening on the screen.

The last film of this phase in the Marvel universe will be ending when "Spiderman: Homecoming" comes out.  I am told it tells us more about after the movie Endgame.  So there is one more film that needs to come out before the box-set comes out, but I'm sure Marvel & Disney are working on that as you read this.

Fun all the way around, and a great achievement for the filmmakers to complete.  Go see it and as my favorite writer Stan Lee would say "Nuff Said".


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