What to Expect when Expecting (2012)

Okay it's the holidays and you want a feel good flick, or you just want to laugh out loud with others.  Then sit back and watch "What to Expect when Expecting".  Going into this film I totally thought "chick flick", but hold on there buddy there is some stuff in here that isn't all that bad.  First off I have to say Chris Rock steals the movie for me.  What part is scripted and what parts are all Rock is to be debated, but honestly he made me laugh, and he was quite good in it.  Could it be Rock is softening with age?  He still retains his humor in this film, but he lets some zingers out that make you laugh out loud.

The ensemble cast is pretty good, and Jenifer Lopez who gives a beautiful performance in the film.  I swear she had me welling up tears at the end, but I won't swear to it.  I also have to say that Ms Lopez looks so beautiful, and she seems to really put her heart and soul into her performance.  The cast does a good job at showing the different stages of pregnancy, and what women go through.   Elizabeth Banks as Wendy certainly gives a good performance on what it's like to be pregnant, and the problems women sometimes have.  You will certainly laugh at her antics, and what she goes through within the film.  It's really funny, and I think a lot of women out there get that, and maybe that's why it hits the mark for them.  It is honest that pregnancy isn't all afterglow, and cravings.

But for us guys it's a funny film with some funny moments.  I was surprised to see Dennis Quaid in the film as an old time race car driver who is a father again in his late 50's.  The rivalry between Quaids character and his son played by Ben Falcone is pretty hysterical.  The racing golf carts is too funny.

Some of the movie seems to go on and on, but just when you think you'll loose interest in the film the film seems to drag you back in, and you are touched or you are laughing.  Since the movie is based on a book that has no characters, or story it isn't that bad of an ensemble piece.  The filmmakers seems to have put things in the movie that appeals to every demographic.  Young, middle, old it's all in there, and maybe that's where it's a bit weak.  By catering to everyone you loose a bit of the films moments.  Everything isn't like a Hallmark story, and there are pretty heady issues that are only glanced over.  A better film maybe would be less characters, and less slapstick, and more meaningful plot.  But that would be a different film all together, and some how that's what this film isn't.

But again the film is light, and it does have its moments.  Renting this movie for an over night viewing may be the best way to see it.  Also see it with someone you care about, or with your significant other.  I think it will get you talking about stuff, and you'll laugh again at the antics of our hapless characters, and maybe recognize a bit of yourself in the characters.

On a scale to 1 to 10 I give it a 7 or maybe a 7.5.  The movie entertains, and it has it's moments, but it could have been much better then just a comedy drama.   When a movie makes you laugh, and you weren't expecting a whole heck of a lot from the film to begin with you have to give it its props.  The film is entertaining, and it has some poignant moments in the film, and for that I certainly give it its due or should I say its due date.  Okay I couldn't resist.   See it and laugh a bit, you'll thank yourself later.


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