The Last Barbeque

The Last Barbeque from Karl Bauer on Vimeo.

Sorry for not being a bit more updated. I was sidelined by illness. This is a little short I did to help teach my boys about movie making. I figured we all enjoy it, and that maybe someday they would like to do something. It was just an intro. My little one was the ham, but my oldest was a bit more aprehensive. Filmmaking started to take hold when I was around 8 years old. It's then that I inherited a simple Super-8 camera from my grandmother who passed away suddenly. In my teens it, meaning filmmaking was a BIG force in my development. I just want to rekindle the LOVE for the medium again. I hope to do more shorts of the same, and see what develops. I'm not entirely out, but the bug is biting, and I have to do something before I explode and the Internet seems like a good place to show it. I hope you enjoy.


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