I've been hearing about this for some time, and what makes it more interesting is that a BIG time director is actually distributing his own film. David Lynch is a filmmaker who you either love or hate. There seems to be no middle ground with a David Lynch film. "INLAND EMPIRE" is a 3 hour film, and maybe that's why Lynch is doing what he is doing. After all a filmmaker's job is to get his or her film seen by as many people as he or she can, and doing it through the Internet is a good way to go. Lynch already has a fan base, and he has been getting a lot of free publicity by being interviewed by the press, and standing out on the corners of Hollywood promoting his film. Over at the workbook project there is an interview with Eric Bassett. Bassett is a managing partner of Absurda. Absurda handles all of David Lynch’s interactive properties and is currently overseeing the DIY release of David’s newest digital feature, INLAND EMPIRE.

Promotion is more then half the battle, so check it out, and see what Lynch and company are doing. It is inspiring, and I must say I'm a bit envious at the interest Lynch is generating for his film.

Personally Lynch is a favorite of mine. He has always made the films that he has wanted to do, and never compromised his vision. Some would say his film "Dune" was a compromise, but even now Lynch is having the last laugh when the studio releases Lynch's directors cut of the film on DVD. I look forward to seeing INLAND EMPIRE, and hope Lynch has much success with it.


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