Godzilla Minus One (2023)

It seems that Godzilla Minus One is slaying it's competition at the box office since it was released in December. But unlike other films this film has been gaining steam and not losing its momentum. Toho Company the studio that released the film and also the licensee for all things Godzilla has announced a release of Godzilla Minus One in black & white on January 26th for a week. The studio is releasing it to the fans and saying thank-you to its audiences for making the film a success. Audiences are slowly coming around and watching the movie, which is breaking various box office records for a foreign film. The fi lm is a powerful fil m about regret, war, and guilt as well as a monster movie. What the original film in 1954 was about was a warning about nuclear proliferation & what we as humans are doing to the earth. It rings true in 1954 and in 2024. With global warming becoming more, and more evident the film has found it's audi...