My Fat Greek Wedding 3 (2023)

Me and the Misses went to see " My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 " the other evening. I am a fan of the original film, and do have some love for the second one, but this film felt different. I love the characters, and I loved the story. The fact that the original film was an indie film hit that took Hollywood by surprise is kind of a cool, which reinforces William Goldman's theory "that Hollywood knows nothing". Nia Vardalos is a favorite of mine, and she has some really great comedic chops. Ms Vardalous is the writer of these films and she based them on her growing up, and her family, so it feels personal, which are the films strength. The first one is a gem, and the second is cute, and well done. But the third seems forced. Right from the beginning we know something is different as pictures of the actors Michael Constantine & Bruce Gray fade to black & white. The two actors passed away in both 2021 & 2017, and it feels fitting ...