
Showing posts from January, 2023

Megan (2022)

The film Megan is a sci-fi/horror film with a lot of dark humor, which makes the movie so interesting to watch.  I had to say this was not on my radar to see.  I thought maybe one day on cable or streaming, but my youngest wanted to see it and so I was game.  I'm glad I did see this and I was pleasantly surprised how good it was.  I should also say seeing this at he movies was a treat.  The direction, the cinematography, and the whole feel of the film gave me an appreciation of this film that I would not have gotten otherwise. To label this a horror film would be a mistake.  It has horror elements in it but it's science fiction more than anything else with a dash of horror.  I do like that the film takes the old Frankenstein myth and updates it to the digital era.  I think because of this the film is a better for it.  The graphic violence is played off screen which works.  If you're a gore hound you will be disappointed, but it does not ...

Empire of the Light (2022)

                                               Empire of the Ligh t directed by Sam Mende s is a brilliant film about the cinema and what it means to us.  It's a love story of sorts between us the audience and what the cinema does for us & it is a love story between the two characters both struggling with their own problems.  I have to say here that I adore this film, and I am biased about it.  Its a very emotional film about how the cinema transports us out of our reality, and the way it magically does so.  Olivia Colman as Hilary is amazing and she should be nominated for another Oscar.  Ms Colman is brilliant as a women with mental health issues brought on by her past.  She shines as she descends into a schizophrenic break and we cannot feel but sympathy for her character as she descends into depression & her delusions.  ...