Captain Marvel (2019)

I was excited to go see the latest Marvel movie for a number of reasons. One is that I always thought Captain Marvel would make a great film. It is especially powerful since our protagonist is a women. The one thing the Marvel universe has skipped over was having a women superhero, and that's pretty strange since the Marvel comic universe is littered with powerful and assertive women. From the She Hulk to Sue Storm from the Fantastic Four , to Valkyrie of the Defenders . There have been a number of lady super hero's that have rocked the comic book world. It was about time that Marvel make one. To be fair Marvel movies have had women in their films such as Black Widow in the Avengers , and Storm in the X-men franchise. With the success of Wonder women from DC Marvel had to introduce one of their own women super hero's, and all I can say is about time. Brie Larson does a great job as Mar-vel a noble hero warrior from the Kree home-wor...