Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018)

So I finally got to see the documentary " Won't You Ne My Neighbor? " directed by Morgan Neville . I had heard a lot of good things about the film, so I was excited to finally see it. What I can say is that it is an emotional piece about a man who literally helped many children understand about growing up. Roger's became an advocate for children and fought for good educational programming that would help children through the perils of growing up. In the film we learn when and how "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" came into existence, and how Fred Rogers developed the concept. It is quite moving to see how Roger's comes up with the concept of "Mister Roger's Neighborhood". I can say that I was one of the kids "Mister Roger's neighborhood" was preaching to. I remember vividly sitting down and watching Fred Roger's go through his day and learning new things. All before I even set foot into a classroom. Roger...