Tobe Hooper (1943-2017)

Another legendary horror filmmaker has passed. Mr Hooper's filmography lists some of the most original, and probably the most scariest films of modern times. Of course what Tobe Hooper is best known for is the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". A film that has been listed in both the museum of modern art in New York, and the library of Congress in Washington. Not bad for a film when it was released was dismissed as a sort of pornography of cinema. What the film " the Texas Chainsaw Massacre " was a film beyond its time. Scholars have written about the film, and I believe it will be continually be written about when talking about horror or American cinema. I was introduced to the film by a friend, and when I saw it I did not know what to make of the film. It certainly pushed some buttons within me, and that's what I think it did for a whole lot of people. When people describe the film they say it was the most bloodiest and goriest film they had ev...