On the Cheap: My life in low budget filmmaking by Greydon Clark

I have a fascination of low budget films, and when I heard that Greydon Clark wrote a book about his career my interest peaked, and so I was happily given the book by my family for a father's day gift. Who is Greydon Clark you ask? He is the producer and director of such films as: Black Shampoo, Without Warning , Joysticks , Satan's Cheerleaders just to name a few. Why should you care? Well if you're a film enthusiast, a filmmaker, or even if you happen just to like low budget films this book may shed some light on how hard and difficult it is to produce these types of films. Mr. Clark goes about telling us how he financed, and how he produced and directed his films. Many of these films were ultra low-budget, but you would be surprised to know where all the money goes, and that is talent. Clark never skimped on his talent, and knew that he needed to draw audience's in by getting bankable stars. Mr. Clarks budgets ranged from 50K ...