The Lego Movie (2014)

It was once again time for a family outing, and since our boys have been keen on seeing "The Lego Movie" since it was announced last year, so it was off to the movies. After breaking several piggy banks for the admission fare, and the goodies that go with movie watching we caught an early show. I had heard things about this film being pretty smart, and funny, and I can say I wasn't disappointed. The filmmakers do a great job pandering to their audience, which face it is anyone under 12. But that's the charm of the movie. There are so many in-jokes, and jokes that kids won't get that makes the film pretty funny at whatever age you are. Sitting here writing this review I still can't remember all the jokes in the film, and maybe that's what the filmmakers wanted. After all maybe after seeing it with the kids maybe the grown-ups will see it again, and you know they'll have to take the kids again, so double score for the studio in the money depa...