Walking with Dinosaurs (2013)

My younger son wanted to see this, and he was counting the days to see this film, so we went and saw the film. I wasn't expecting anything great, but I did want to see my youngest happy so off we went. The thing is that I had read all the reviews saying that the film was weak and predictable. I have two boys one older and one younger who also attended, and both enjoyed the film , but not as much as my youngest. I like to see things through my boys eyes. It gives me a different perspective, and I enjoyed the movie a bit more seeing it as my boys see it. Now that being said is this a good film? It depends on who is the audience. I feel the film is better suited to younger audience's then older ones, and that's not it's problem. Some of the visuals in this film are really stunning. The story is predictable, but the film has a moral, and for its younger audience its okay. The moral is that we win by sticking together. It...