Battleship (2012)

So Took the family to see Battleship. By the trailers and the coming attractions it looked like fun. I know, I know you're thinking why go to a movie that is based on a game of all things. Well one it was hot, and two I thought the boys would get a big kick out of it. Plus the director was Peter Berg , and I'm sort of a fan of his. He's come a long way since being an actor on the TV series Chicago Hope. I did like the movie The Kingdom, and I thought he was a pretty good action/adventure director. In Battleship Berg pushes the genre and comes up with a solid action piece. Is the movie fun? Yes when it gets going. It does take a bit for the movie to get going. In that time we are introduced to the characters. A lot of them are one dimensional, but we all have seen these character types before so we're all familiar with them. There are the two brothers. One a screw up and the other the serious one. ...