CCW Part 1

So the other week I was invited to CCW conference. That's Content & Communication World. Since they provided me with free admission to the conference and seminars I felt I was obligated to go. I went last year, and enjoyed it, and learned a lot. This year was just as informative, yet I would have liked more vendors dealing with the production side of things, but all in all it was still very thought provoking. I figured that since I couldn't write one BIG blog entry about the conference I figured I try and spread it out. I went to ten seminars, and a couple of workshops in-between. The conference was held in the Jacob Javits center in New York . Both days I did a lot of walking around to seminars and through the exhibit floor which had over 200 companies. I was most interested in DSLR Production, and they had several workshops and one seminar that covered that. I'll get more into that on later entries here, but needless...