
Showing posts from December, 2009

The Road (2009)

What can I say that hasn't been said about this movie. It is a scary and upsetting film about the end of days. I had to catch this film before it vanished from theaters. With Avatar and all the new holiday films glutting up the theater screens I raced to the theater before the distributor pulls it. I understand why not many people have seen this film. It's a hard film to watch. There is no Mad Max action that usually is standard in films that deal with the Apocalypse of civilization. Maybe the film "2012" seems to have covered that territory and more audiences went to see that then " The Road ". I haven't seen "2012" and from the coming attractions I'll wait for the DVD. I know I'll miss the spectacle of the end of day shots that Roland Emmerich has compiled for the BIG screen, but I'll put my money on John Hillcoat 's version of the end of the world thank you very much. Why? You ask. Simple. It's a better film. The mood,...

Bless you Tiny Tim!

Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" has been played out on stage and screen for longer then Dickens was alive, and yet several adaptations of the story have become classics. On of my favorites is the one with George C. Scott. Maybe it's because of nostalgic reasons I like it a lot, but seeing it does make me well up, and get emotional. I was watching that very version the other night with my mom, and thought that that's what a film really needs to do. It needs to move me. It's kind of cathartic when one sees a good movie that hits the viewer with a variety of emotions which we all share. I've been silent because in this season of what has become a consumers nightmare of overload I've stepped back. Maybe it's because I'm older and I have kids, or maybe it's just getting back to basics for me. Where's the fun, and the excitement of it all. Personally I see a lot of ups and downs headed my way, and I'm sure many of you out there also see t...