
Showing posts from July, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)

First off my oldest loves Transformers, and my youngest likes the smack downs that the robots seem to get into. That said you have to take this review with some biased. Going into the movie I was unsure whether to have my boys see the film. I heard a lot about it, but in the end my boys desire to see it with his buddy was overwhelming, and so we ALL went. To say that I was disappointed about all the swearing in the movie is an understatement, but then I'm not one to shelter my children. To say that my big boy loved is is an understatement. He did not get up once to use the restrooms. He was that engrossed into the film. My little one only liked the rock-em sock-em time when the robots battled. Hey what can you expect, and all the colorful language seemed to go right over his head. We had FUN when we went to see this film. It was loud, long, and did I say LOUD! But it seems that is what we pay our money to see. In the end it's all about the merchandising of the film, and mercha...

DIY -Days

I've been in a funk, and the only way I feel to get out of it is throw things in the air. Meet new people, hear creative people who may be in the same boat I'm in. Film making is not a solitary endeavor. It involves a lot of people, and so this seemed like a good forum to go to, and re-charge the batteries. Writing can only take you so far. What I need and want is creative input. I've been seriously thinking of just saying no more, but a little inner voice says no, and I'm listening to it. Even my wife wants me to continue. I've always said it takes energy to get a project off the ground, and maybe this conference may just do that. I've always been up front with people. If you tell them what you want to do maybe some others can figure out how to help you. You just need to get out there, so we'll see how it all works out. Trust me I've been silent, but only for a reason. If I had anything worth saying I'd say it, but right now I don't. Figured pos...