And the Frenzy stops!

I've finished my script, and became a winner in the 2009 script Frenzy . I used new screenwriting software called Celtx , and it worked for me pretty good. I would thoroughly suggest using the software if you're starting out. It's free, and really it has some great features. The script turned out to be 107 pages, and though I know it's all in the re-write I think I can be proud of the script. It's from the heart, and I wrote on what I knew about. I'm sure I can write a better script, but right now I love this one, and I guess that happens with every writer. I have heard about doing a feature in two weeks on Twitter . I have to say I'm intrigued, but there is so much to think about, and there are a lot of limitations, but I do like a challenge. It reminds me about the time I read about Roger Corman's film " Little Shop of Horrors" . It was made on a bet that Corman could make a movie in 2 days using sets that were standing form other movies. I h...