I Think I love my Wife (2007)

Based on a Eric Rohmer movie called " Chloe in the Afternoon " about a marriage & infidelity Chris Rock's movie " I think I love my Wife " seems to be an update on the theme. What may have looked good on paper doesn't translate too well on the screen. I understand that the theme is a universal one, and one that many directors have done. I guess the studio saw Chris Rock was doing it, and he would be able to put a hip new fresh slant on the old theme of marriage & infidelity. Only thing is that this movie doesn't know whether it wants to be a comedy or a drama. There are some comedic pieces in the film that feel forced, and the narration that Chris Rock does gets annoying at times. From the coming attractions I thought this had some potential, but after seeing it on cable over the week-end I have to tell you I was a bit disappointed. The film does have some interesting casting choices such as Steve Buscemi as George Rock's co-worker & f...