
Showing posts from December, 2007

Early AM Meanderings!

I find it a difficult thing to come to terms with. This thing we call the Internet. I mean first off it's a great way to meet people who you wouldn't ordinarily meet, but do we actually know the people we are communicating with? I mean the Internet is this BIG thing that seems to give us alternate identities which become sort of our alter-egos. Don't me wrong I've met some interesting artists here on the web, and I think it has it's use, but the majority of the web is filled with nonsense, and just plain self indulgences. I've always subscribed to the belief that Grocho Marx once said, and that was "any club that would have me as a member I wouldn't want to be in", and that's what I see in the Internet. Cliques, groups, and porn. Is the Internet a great marketplace, or just a corporate whorehouse. I mean we now can get things twenty four seven, and have it delivered to us in a day or two. Is this commerce or is it just plain corporat...

Spinning Wheels!

So no reviews, and no production news. Just some thoughts at the end of this year. I've been trying to make this blog a blog that deals with filmmaking, but real life always interrupts. I'm basically an AV geek who is fortunate to work in a field where I can use my skills, but I've been trying to get inspired, and do another film. A film that counts, and a film that if it winds up to be the last film I do I'll be happy and satisfied. So hence the schizophrenic blog entry. I guess we all sit down this time of year and count blessings, and for others it's a time of deep depression. There seems no in-between here, so we do what we can, and push on. Filmmaking has been something of a saving grace for me. It feed my dreams, and helped me focus in those wayward years called the teens. It's also inspired me in my adulthood, and I've seen some great films in the past that sometimes just come and go. You would think more people would see them, and be inspired by thes...

I am Legend (2007)

When I first heard that they were going to try do Richard Matheson's story "I am Legend" I thought sure why not. When I heard Arnold Schwarzenegger was considered for the lead role I just shook my head, and said "they still don't get it". That was before the Terminator became the Governor of California. It's been that long since I've heard rumors about this film, and now it's out starring Will Smith as our lead. My interest began to rise at hearing and seeing some of the clips from the film. I can say that by far Will Smith is one of the best actors of our era. It's been a long road for Mr. Smith. I mean seriously did you ever think that the "Fresh Prince" would become an Oscar worthy actor? Beat you didn't, but he has, and it is Will Smith who carries this film. That and his faithful German Shepard companion. The movie doesn't follow Mathesons classic, but it does have a lot of updating, and it sticks to the stories premi...

Monster Road

I bought a DVD awhile ago called Monster Road , and finally got to watch it, and after watching it I thought to myself why didn't I see this sooner. No matter. Director Brett Ingram has made a film that is thought provoking, and entertaining as well. " Monster Road " is a documentary about the animator Bruce Bickford . If the name sounds familiar Bickford was responsible for the animation in most of Frank Zappa's films. In the film we are introduced to Bickford's father George who is suffering from Alzheimers. The first time we meet him he says 'Do I have an honest face?" Throughout the film we are treated to how Bickford grew up. Bickford lives in Washington state near Seattle in a house his father built. George is a main character of the film also. In Ingrams web site he describes George like this: Bruce Bickford’s father George, a retired Boeing aerospace engineer of the Cold War era, is the other main character of the film. In his own career, George...

The Portable Film School

While I was at a new Boarders book store I made my way to the film section as I often do, and this book caught my eye. It's called " The Portable Film School ", and it is written by D.B Gilles. I began reading some of it, and he makes some good points in it. It seemed like a good book about writing the "good" screenplay, and how to achieve it. The one thing that struck me is the need for an outline of your story. Gilles refers to it as a "beat" track to your story. For example this happens in the beginning and then this happens midway through the first act, and then as a result of this, the character does this. You see what I mean by "beat" track. I've always known that one must write a outline of sorts, but just how detailed? If you just sit in front of the computer and hope that the muse will begin helping you write that story you're doomed to fail or worse yet never complete your story. I like what Gilles had to say, and I'm in...