Early AM Meanderings!
I find it a difficult thing to come to terms with. This thing we call the Internet. I mean first off it's a great way to meet people who you wouldn't ordinarily meet, but do we actually know the people we are communicating with? I mean the Internet is this BIG thing that seems to give us alternate identities which become sort of our alter-egos. Don't me wrong I've met some interesting artists here on the web, and I think it has it's use, but the majority of the web is filled with nonsense, and just plain self indulgences. I've always subscribed to the belief that Grocho Marx once said, and that was "any club that would have me as a member I wouldn't want to be in", and that's what I see in the Internet. Cliques, groups, and porn. Is the Internet a great marketplace, or just a corporate whorehouse. I mean we now can get things twenty four seven, and have it delivered to us in a day or two. Is this commerce or is it just plain corporat...